Thursday, December 24, 2009

Advent Devotions, Week Four, Devo 4


Look and see what Jesus has done! In these verses, Paul declares who Jesus is and what Jesus has done. As we have studied the first and second coming of Christ, we now see the entire mystery put together. These verses testify to Jesus being fully God as the first-born Son, and having everything- including the creation of the world under His authority. Not only is Jesus exactly like God, but it says here that God was happy to live fully inside His Son in order to then become the perfect sacrifice over all sin that
separates us from God. God was pleased for Jesus to make peace between God and us by sacrificing his blood on the cross. And why was God happy to offer Himself as a sacrifice for us through His beloved Son Jesus?

“So that all beings on heaven and on earth would be brought back to God.” (Vs. 20)

I think it would be safe to say that God misses us and is willing to go to extreme lengths to get us back!

How far are you willing to go to be close to God? How far away are you from the One who has sacrificed Himself to get you back? Take a moment to reflect on what you can do to dwell with Him more closely. He has given up everything to dwell with you; perhaps you can give up what is keeping you from being close to Him? God’s presence in our hearts and in our daily lives is the best present we will ever receive!
-Marilyn Williams
© Safe Harbor Ministries, Inc.
Marilyn Williams
Ministry of the Word
December 24, 2009

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Advent Devotions, Week Four, Devo 4


Look and see what Jesus has done! In these verses, Paul declares who Jesus is and what Jesus has done. As we have studied the first and second coming of Christ, we now see the entire mystery put together. These verses testify to Jesus being fully God as the first-born Son, and having everything- including the creation of the world under His authority. Not only is Jesus exactly like God, but it says here that God was happy to live fully inside His Son in order to then become the perfect sacrifice over all sin that
separates us from God. God was pleased for Jesus to make peace between God and us by sacrificing his blood on the cross. And why was God happy to offer Himself as a sacrifice for us through His beloved Son Jesus? “So that all beings on heaven and on earth would be brought back to God.” (Vs. 20) I think it would be safe to say that God misses us and is willing to go to extreme lengths to get us back!

How far are you willing to go to be close to God? How far away are you from the One who has sacrificed Himself to get you back? Take a moment to reflect on what you can do to dwell with Him more closely. He has given up everything to dwell with you; perhaps you can give up what is keeping you from being close to Him? God’s presence in our hearts and in our daily lives is the best present we will ever receive!
-Marilyn Williams
© Safe Harbor Ministries, Inc
Marilyn Williams, Ministry of the Word
December 23, 2009

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Advent Devotions, Week 4, Devo 3

REVELATION 22: 12-21

Jesus is coming again! It is so easy to get distracted with our daily lives and forget what is coming! As we prepare for this Christmas season, let us not only prepare our hearts for Christmas day, but an even greater day, Judgment Day! He came once as a baby, but He will return as a conqueror! A star led His arrival, but the light of His glory will reveal His return! There was no room for Him in the inn, but the world will not be big enough for His coming appearance! Wise Men brought worldly gifts to honor Him, but He will bring heavenly treasures to reward His faithful! He had only a few visitors at His birth; but the entire world will see Him when He returns as “The First and The Last” and “The Beginning and The End!”

-Marilyn Williams
© Safe Harbor Ministries, Inc.
Marilyn Williams
Ministry of the Word
December 22, 2009

Monday, December 21, 2009

Advent Devotions, Week Four, Devo 2

Whom shall we live for? No other, beside Jesus, has the final say in our lives! Jesus holds the key to where we will spend eternity. He has been given all authority and all power over heaven and hell. Why not give Him complete authority over our lives as well? As we surrender our lives to Him with each new day, we will begin to experience this same awesome power over the smallest and the largest of details in our lives. What greater reason to celebrate this Christmas season than the gift of God in our everyday lives through His Son Jesus Christ! -Marilyn Williams
Copyright: Safe Harbor Ministries, Inc.Marilyn Williams, Ministry of the WordDecember 21, 09

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Advent Devotions, Week Four Intro and Devo 1

Reflections of Him…

Once again, be sure to light the three previous candles before you light the fourth candle. Repeat each candle’s name and significance as you light each candle. You are now ready to light the fourth candle of the Advent Season, the Jesus Candle.


Depending on what day of the week Christmas falls on each year, your fourth week will bring a different number of days to complete this fourth candle. Some years you will do all seven, other years you may only have a couple of days before Christmas hits. You can simply do the devotions each year affords, or you can continue finishing past Christmas to complete the week. Either way, I hope and pray you are blessed by keeping your focus on Jesus throughout this chaotic, yet holy time of year.


He was born in an obscure village, the child of a peasant woman.
He grew up in another village.
He worked in a carpenter shop until he was thirty, and then for three years he was an itinerant preacher.
He never wrote a book.
He never held an office.
He never owned a home.
He never had a family.
He never went to college.
He never traveled more than two hundred miles from the place where he was born.
He never did any of the things that usually accompany greatness.
He had no credentials but himself.
While He was still a young man, the tide of public opinion turned against him. His friends ran away.
He was turned over to his enemies and went through the mockery of a trial.
He was nailed to the cross between two thieves.

While he was dying, his executioners gambled for the only piece of property he had on earth, and that was his coat. When He was dead, He laid in a borrowed grave through the kindness of a friend. Nearly twenty centuries have come and gone, and today He is still the central figure of the human race and the leader of mankind’s progress.



Jesus is defined here as the fulfillment of everything that was said about the coming Messiah in the Old Testament; therefore, we can securely and confidently put our hope in this same Jesus to fulfill all of the Bible’s future prophecies and promises. When everything in our life is uncertain, we can turn to the final chapter of God’s plan for mankind: the book of Revelation! When you don’t know what to hope in or who to trust in, look to the One who is Lord over the past the present, and the future! What a gift
He is to us: He is both the giver and the gift!
-Marilyn Williams

© Safe Harbor Ministries, Inc.
Marilyn Williams
Ministry of the Word
December 20, 2009

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Advent Devotions, Week Three, Devo 6 & 7


As followers of Jesus Christ, we have so much to celebrate! There are so many reasons to give praises to our God! Psalm 145 is one big celebration of our Lord!

Verse 1 tells us our God is the King and we will have all of eternity to praise His name!
Verse 3 declares that He is worthy of our praise and no one could ever compare with His greatness!
Verse 5 tells us His works are wonderful and we should meditate on them!
Verse 7& 9 describe that His mighty works will be remembered forever throughout one generation after another!
Verse 8 shows us how gracious, compassionate, and rich in love is our God!
Verse 13 records that His kingdom is everlasting, His reign is over every generation; and, at the same time, He is faithful in His love for His people!
Verses 14-16 express His heart for the humble and the hurting, as well as His hand that provides for and satisfies every living thing!
Verses 17 & 19 declare Him to be a perfect balance between justice and love!
Verse 18 is the most miraculous; yet it tells us that He is near and listening to our cries!
And verse 2 & 21 direct us in how to respond to such a God as ours: PRAISE HIM EVERY DAY, FOR ALL ETERNITY!


Proverbs 12:20 informs us that by spreading peace, we can increase our joy! Take a moment to think on ways you can spread peace to the little corner of the world God has assigned you. Start first with your attitude toward the people you live with. Are you doing your part to make your home a place of peace, not strife? How about at your work or in your school? Do you see opportunities to reconcile people to one another? Instead of spreading dissension through gossip—envy—or competition, are you spreading peace through integrity—forgiveness—and unconditional love? Look for opportunities to wear Jesus’ shoes of peace in a world of uncertainty and chaos.

Proverbs 15:30 further instructs us on how to bring joy to others. It is truly amazing how far a smile can go in a person’s day! As we wear Jesus’ shoes of peace and as we simply pass on even just a tiny bit of the joy we are given, we will soon discover that the joy of the Lord is an endless supply of strength in our lives and in the lives of those around us!
-Marilyn Williams
© Safe Harbor Ministries, Inc.
December 19, 2009
Marilyn Williams
Ministry of the Word

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Advent Devotions, Week Three, Devo 5

1 PETER 2:9-10

We, who believe on the Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior from the penalty of spiritual death for our sins, are called to show others the same mercies we have received from God. We are not only chosen by God to receive His mercies, but also to declare the praises of Him who has called us out of spiritual darkness and into His glorious light! Take a moment to consider how you can use this Christmas Season as an opportunity to declare His praises to the world around you. Think of who you can invite to your next Advent Devotional time as a fun and natural way to introduce them to God’s mercies that
have changed the course of your life forever!
Marilyn Williams

© Safe Harbor Ministries, Inc.
December 16, 09
Marilyn Williams
Ministry of the Word

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Advent Devotions, Week Three, Devo 4

1 CHRONICLES 16:23-36; PSALM 150:6

Once again, we see how praising God always results in joy! When we enter into His presence by giving praises to His name, we cannot help but be filled with joy because Chronicles 16:27 tells us that strength and joy are in His dwelling place! Even the heavens and the earth joyfully declare His majesty to all the nations! Everything that lives and everything that breathes cannot help but rejoice in God’s greatness! May we continue to strengthen our faith by never forsaking the praises of our awesome God! Notice the words in “O Come, All Ye Faithful.” This song characterizes the faithful as the ones
who joyfully and triumphantly behold and adore Him.

O come, all ye faithful, joyful and triumphant!
O come ye, o come ye to Bethlehem, Come and be-hold Him, born the King of an-gels.
O come let us a-dore Him, O come let us a-dore Him, O come let us a-dore Him,
Christ the Lord.
Sing choirs of an-gels, sing in exultation!
Sing all ye cit-i -zens of heav’n a-bove:
Glory to God, in the highest!
O come let us a-dore Him, O come let us a-dore Him, O come let us a-dore Him,
Christ the Lord.
-Marilyn Williams

© Safe Harbor Ministries, Inc.
December 16, 09
Marilyn Williams
Ministry of the Word

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Advent Devotions, Week Three, Devo 3

LUKE 1:44-45; HEBREWS 12:2; JAMES 1:2

Joy is a trademark of the Christian faith! We-as believers in Christ-may not always enjoy our circumstances or even feel the emotion of happiness; but joy is a gift God has placed deep in our hearts. Joy strengthens and inspires us on our journey from this life to our new life in heaven awaiting us. Jesus even modeled this inner joy during the most challenging time of his ministry here on earth. Hebrews 12:2 tells us that Jesus endured the cross because of the joy in knowing that He was making a way for
us to join Him in heaven someday! God also instructs us to joyfully accept even the disciplines of God in our life as a sign that God is at work in us to ultimately make us like Him, mature and complete in the Spirit. There is a time and a place for everything; let us hold onto the joy of the Lord as we direct our paths back to Him!
-Marilyn Williams
© Safe Harbor Ministries, Inc.
December 15, 09
Marilyn Williams
Ministry of the Word

Monday, December 14, 2009


The Book of Ecclesiastes tells us, “There is a time for everything, a season for every activity under heaven” (Ecc.3:1). It continues to explain it is good to weep, mourn, and grieve at times. God also instructs us to laugh, dance, and rejoice!

In Nehemiah, we see Ezra reading from the book of the Law of Moses to the Israelites who had just returned to Jerusalem from captivity. These people had suffered a long time of cruelty and had not been allowed the pleasure of worshipping their God. Ezra even had to translate the holy law to the Israelites because they no longer were familiar with their own Hebrew language after being in Babylon for so long. This was a sacred day, but also a day full of emotion. The people were tempted to despair as they began to think about how much they had missed their homeland, their laws, their language and most of all, their God! But Nehemiah told them not to grieve; but to celebrate this sacred day and enjoy the blessings they now had. God knew His people’s sufferings, He knew their weariness, and He knew what they needed the most at this point in their life-joy! Nehemiah explains, “The joy of the Lord is your strength!” What wonderful words for us to live by as well!

In the New Testament, Hebrews 13:15 confirms the calling of joy upon God’s people. God wants us to continually praise Him, even when we must lay down our hurt, our fears, our pain, and our worries as a sacrifice on the altar of our hearts. Instead of dwelling on our brokenness, God calls us to focus our hearts on Him where we can find the strength to overcome whatever we are facing!
-Marilyn Williams
© Safe Harbor Ministries, Inc.
December 14, 2009
Marilyn Williams,
Ministry of the Word

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Advent Devotions, week Three, Intro and Devo 1

The Praise Candle
A Time to Celebrate…

(Before you continue to the third candle, be sure to light the previous two candles and take some time to reflect on what each candle represents. Light the first, second, and now the third- the lighter colored candle. Remember to go through both the introduction for the week and Devotion One on the first day of a this new week.)


As you light the third candle, the Praise Candle, you will notice it is a lighter color than the two previous candles. The difference in color symbolizes the “lighter” side of life, the element of joy that Christ brings into our lives. What better way to celebrate the Christmas season than to spend time praising our Lord! In Bible times, the Jews took celebrating very seriously. They saw celebrations as opportunities to deepen their faith and recommit their lives to their God. Often times a wedding, for instance, would turn into a week long celebration focusing not only on the covenant made between a man and a woman, but also focusing on the covenant made between their forefather Abraham and their Jehovah God. So it can be with the Advent season for you and me. Not only can we celebrate the fulfilled promise of a Savior on Christmas Day, but we can also extend our Christmas day into a season of reflection, reminders, and rejoicing in all that we have in Him today and all that is still to come!

(Continue your sequence of having your personal and daily devotions by candle-light.)


Psalm 100 is just one of many psalms that gives praises to our Lord Jesus who is one with God. As we do much thinking this Christmas Season about Jesus coming as a baby over 2000 years ago, let us also praise Him as our living Lord today. In this Psalm, we are instructed to thank Him, praise Him, and bless His name—if we consider ourselves the sheep of His pasture. He tells us here to enjoy our worship, let it be full of sincere joy, gladness, and thanksgiving! So lift up your voices this Christmas Season and sing those same old songs from your renewed heart; let each word be a gift to Him this
Christmas Season.

Now is a good time to sing, or at least read the words, to one of everyone’s favorite Christmas carols, Joy To the World!

“Joy to the World, The Lord has come! Let earth receive its King!
Let ev-‘ry heart pre-pare Him room, and heaven and nature sing, and heaven and
nature sing, And heav’n, and heav’n and nature sing.

Joy to the earth, The Savior reigns; let men their songs em-ploy,
While fields and floods, rocks, hills and plains,

Repeat the sound-ing joy, re-peat the sound-ing joy. Re-peat , re-peat the sounding joy.

No more let sins and sor-rows grow, nor thorns infest the ground. He comes to make His bless-ings flow far as the curse is found, far as the curse is found, far as, far as, the curse is found.

He rules the world with truth and grace, and makes the na-tions prove
The glo-ries of His right-eous-ness, and wonders of His love, and wonders of His love, and won-ders, and won-ders of His love.”

- -Marilyn Williams
© Safe Harbor Ministries, Inc.
December 13, 2009
Marilyn Williams
Ministry of the Word

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Advent Devotions, Week 2, Devo 7

LUKE 2: 8-10

In the day and age of Jesus’ birth, shepherds were not esteemed as we might like to imagine. Shepherds were actually the lowliest of their society and could possibly be compared to the homeless of our day. The shepherds did not usually have homes or families of their own. They wandered from place to place and were considered dirty physically and unclean spiritually. It was rare to see a shepherd ever enter the temple or take part in religious customs in any way, as they knew their place in their culture.
But obviously God did not! Here in this passage, we see God inviting shepherds to be the first people to mingle with Him.

When the angels appeared to the shepherds singing, “Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace to men on whom his favor rests,” scripture tells us that the shepherds went quickly to Bethlehem and found Mary, Joseph, and a baby lying in a manger (a feeding trough). The angels reached out to these shepherds by letting the shepherds know that this was Christ the Lord. The shepherds were the lowliest men on the face of the earth that night, but after being the first ones to see this newborn King, they became the most blessed men on earth! The shepherds gave praises and glory to God and it was the shepherds whom God chose to use to spread the word throughout the land of the arrival of a savior for mankind! What a beautiful story to show us God’s grace and love for all people of all positions and places in the world. He desires all to come to Him and receive His glory! The world may choose to have outcasts, but God chooses the outcasts to behold His glory and to pass it on to others! God is inviting you, no matter your age, rank, appearance or abilities, to come to Him through the precious gift of His Son, Jesus Christ, who is one with God Himself!
-Marilyn Williams

© Safe Harbor Ministries, Inc.
December 12, 2009
Marilyn Williams
Ministry of the Word

Friday, December 11, 2009

Advent Devotions, Week 2, Devo 6

MATTHEW 2: 9-11

When the Wise Men reached Bethlehem, the Scriptures say, “They were overjoyed.” After long weeks of searching and following the only light they had, the Wise Men not only found every hope fulfilled in Christ, but so much more! In response to their joy and their active faith, they bowed down in worship and gave their treasures to this new king. The treasures, which the Wise Men had once thought to be their most treasured possessions, were now surrendered to the One who had become their new
treasure. It is very interesting to note these gifts and their significance in that time period.

Gold: Gold was the gift most suited for a king. It also represented the treasure of one’s heart, as it is the most precious of all metals even today.

Frankincense: Frankincense was used in the Jewish custom for the worshipping of God. It represented prayer, praise, and thanksgiving.

Myrrh: Myrrh was a sweet fragrance and substance that was used to preserve a dead body.

How fitting were these Wise Men’s gifts of worship for this newborn King of the Jews: gold for the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, frankincense for God Incarnate, and myrrh for The Lamb of God who takes away our sins through His death and resurrection.

-Marilyn Williams

© Safe Harbor Ministries, Inc
December 11, 09
Marilyn Williams
Ministry of the Word

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Advent Devotions, Week 2, Devo 5

GENESIS 48:7, 35:20; MATTHEW 2:18; 1 SAMUEL 16:1, 17:12, 20:6; 2 SAMUEL 23:14-15

Bethlehem had already been a place of history for God’s people for the preceding 2000 years before Jesus was even born. In Genesis, we see Rachel, the wife of Abraham’s grandson Jacob, die in the fields of Bethlehem while in childbirth. Jacob set up a memorial stone by her grave that can still be seen today. Later, Ruth—King David’s great-grandmother, was married in Bethlehem to a man named Boaz, the Kinsman-redeemer of her mother-in-law’s family. We have already learned that King David’s childhood home was also in Bethlehem. Later when David was being hunted by Saul in the barren hills of the Judean desert, David longs for the water of Bethlehem, and his three best men risked their lives to bring it to him. In the New Testament, when King Herod is threatened by the prophecy of the newborn king, he ordered all the male children who had been born in and around the village of Bethlehem and who were
two years old and younger—to be killed. Rachel’s name appeared again in Scripture, representing all the mothers of Bethlehem who were weeping over the loss of their children and refused to be comforted.

Bethlehem has always been connected with Israel’s history and with the line of King David, from which Jesus was prophesied to come. Bethlehem’s greatest moment was foretold in Micah; that from Bethlehem the Jews will see their Messiah’s birth. Although we have pictured the birth scene in a stable, it was probably a cave as the houses in Bethlehem were built on the slopes of a limestone ridge with many cave-like stables hollowed out under the houses in the rock. Whether in a stable or a cave, God’s Holy Scriptures prove themselves to be true over a time period of 2000 years.
-Marilyn Williams

© Safe Harbor Ministries, Inc.
December 10, 2009
Marilyn Williams
Ministry of the Word

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Advent Devotions, Week 2, Devo 3


As noted in yesterday’s devotion, Samuel was obedient when God told him to go to Bethlehem, specifically the House of Jesse, for the anointing of Israel’s next king. Years later, Mary and Joseph were obedient to the law of their day to go to Bethlehem to register for the census, even though Mary was well on her way with child. The Wise Men were obedient to the knowledge they were given as they followed the star, which led them to the Baby King from the Ancient of Days.

We, too, must be obedient to whatever place or situation in life God is calling us. Children, think about the ways you can be obedient to God in your every day? (With your parents…in your school… doing your chores…) And parents, do you have an attitude of obedience unto God in your every day? (Your work…your family…your neighborhood…your church…) Take a moment to bow your heads in silence and let God speak to your heart. Ask Him to show you where He is calling you to be more obedient.
His instructions to us are not pointless. Like the prophecies that came true through the obedience of God’s people, there are reasons, usually beyond our understanding—and maybe even greater than we can imagine, to His calling of obedience in our lives.
-Marilyn Williams

© Safe Harbor Ministries, Inc.
Marilyn Williams
Ministry of the Word
December 10, 09

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Advent Devotions, Week Two, Devo 3

I SAMUEL 16: 1-13

This passage tells of Samuel anointing David, a young overlooked shepherd boy whom God appointed to be the future king of Israel. The first verse of this passage tells us it was Bethlehem where God sent Samuel, His prophet, to call out the next King after Saul. A man known as Jesse of Bethlehem was David’s father as well as the father of David’s older and ‘finer’ brothers. This story gives us the well known verse, “man looks at the outward appearance, but God looks at the heart.” What an encouragement
this story is to all of us, but especially children of all ages! God makes it clear that you are never too young, or insignificant, to be noticed by God. God has a plan for all His children who seek Him with all their hearts, even the youngest ones!

It is also important for the sake of prophecy to note that Mary, Jesus’ birth mother, was a direct descendent of David. This explains why Mary and Joseph, even though they did not live in Bethlehem at the time of Mary’s pregnancy with Jesus, traveled to Bethlehem for the royal census when everyone was called to report to their place of origin. Thus, a seven hundred year old scripture, foretelling the Messiah would come from the line of David and be born in Bethlehem, was fulfilled on that first
Christmas Day!
-Marilyn Williams

© Safe Harbor Ministries, Inc.
Marilyn Williams
Ministry of the Word
December 08/09

Monday, December 7, 2009

Advent Devotions, Week 2, Devo 2

JOHN 6:35, 47-51, 58

The word “Bethlehem” in the Hebrew language means “House of Bread.” Once again we see the perfection in God’s Holy Scriptures. It is especially fitting that Jesus, who later in His ministry years calls himself the “Bread of Life,” comes out of an obscure village set amidst wheat fields and named “A House of Bread.” Do you know Jesus as your daily bread? Is He the One who sustains and satisfies you? The French people have an old custom to eat bread with every meal. The bread is a symbol of life to them and it is even considered improper to ever throw any bread away! This, by the way, is where
we get our recipe for “French Toast.” The French created “French Toast” by dunking their stale bread, which they are not allowed to throw away, into milk and eggs. We would do well to model after the French custom in regards to the Living Bread we are given every day through Christ Jesus. Let us regard Jesus as the very essence of life, never wasting the nutrients awaiting us in His Living Word. The French have bread at every meal; likewise, let us eat of the Living Bread every day—as we continually make Jesus the essence of our lives.

-Marilyn Williams
© Safe Harbor Ministries, Inc.
Marilyn Williams
Ministry of the Word
Dec. 7, 09

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Advent Devotions, Week 2, The Bethlehem Candle

(Continue your sequence of having your personal and daily devotions by candle-light.)

As you light the Second Advent Candle, the Bethlehem Candle, we remember that God came to us in the form of a newborn baby in a specific time in history and in a specific place in this vast world. As we learn more about Jesus’ birth as a baby, let us also keep in mind all that Jesus left behind, to come and be with us. It is truly a miracle that Jesus, being one with God the Father, would be willing to leave His home in Heaven for the “soul” purpose of showing us the way back to heaven! Although Jesus was
never truly separated from His Father in His Spirit because He is one in the Spirit with the Father, still Jesus must have missed the physical presence of His Father every day. Nevertheless, Jesus came down from Heaven in the smallest and meekest form of mankind—a newborn baby. This is a good time to sing, or at least read the words to O Little Town Of Bethlehem—a well-known Christmas Carol by the American Author, Phillip Brooks.

O Little town of Bethlehem! How still we see thee lie;
Above thy deep and dreamless sleep the silent stars go by;
Yet in thy dark streets shineth the everlasting Light:
The hopes and fears of all the years are met in thee tonight.
For Christ was born of Mary; and gather’d all above,
While mortals sleep, the angels keep their watch of wond’ring love.
O morning stars, together proclaim the Holy Birth!
And praises sing to God the King, and peace to men on earth.
How silently, how silently the wondrous gift is giv’n!
So God imparts to human hearts the blessings of His Heav’n.
No ear may hear His coming, but in this world of sin,
Where meek souls will receive Him still, the dear Christ enters in.
O holy Child of Bethlehem! Descend to us, we pray;
Cast out our sins, and enter in, Be born in us today. We hear the Christmas angels the Great glad tidings tell’, O come to us, abide with us: Our Lord Emmanuel!


Micah 5:2 and Matthew 2:1-12

(Micah 2)
Bethlehem was a small place; even God says so in the book of Micah. God foretold His people where their Messiah would come from 700 years before God sent His Son Jesus, the Messiah. In the book of Micah, God foretells His people that a ruler of Israel, whose roots go way back, would come from Bethlehem. Sometimes God calls us to seemingly small tasks or insignificant places. But let us be obedient, as Jesus was to the Father, and allow God to use us wherever and however—always trusting that
He knows best. There is never anything insignificant about God’s will in our lives!

(Matthew 2: 1-12)
In this passage we find the Wise Men coming to Jerusalem in their pursuit of the exact location of the One they knew had been foretold to be the King of the Jews. They were most likely astrologists and great scientists of their day, but they lacked the knowledge of what the Holy Scriptures said about the actual birthplace of this king foretold from days of old. They had recognized His Star from the East and they acted upon what they knew concerning the prophecies of this newborn king. With the knowledge they had and with a quest for more understanding of the Holy Scriptures, they set out to honor and receive the Messiah King! What an example of active faith these Wise Men give us today! We don’t have to know everything about God or understand all the Scriptures before we decide to follow Him. We simply must act upon what we do know, and He will guide us the rest of the way!

The Wise Men had stopped in the largest city closest to the star they were following, and asked King Herod if he knew where they could find this new king. King Herod sent for the priests and the teachers of the Jewish law to find out more about this new arrival of a king for the Jews. The priests and the teachers knew exactly what the Wise Men were referring to and even quoted the prophecy recorded in Micah chapter 5 (700 years before hand)! They explained that a ruler would come from Bethlehem in the land of Judah. He would shepherd the people of Israel and His people would return from exile into their own land. King Herod was obviously threatened by this prophecy, as he instructed the Wise Men to let him know if they found this newborn king. But the Wise Men were smarter than that. They simply went on their way and never came back through Jerusalem!

The saddest part of this passage is that the priests and the teachers, being Jews themselves—and in full knowledge of the scriptures, did not go with the Wise Men to receive their new King. Unlike the Wise Men, these scholars knew of the Scriptures, but they did not act upon them. By not going to receive their prophesied king, they had rejected God’s gift of His Holy Son right from the beginning! How tragic for us today, if we—like these priests and teachers—know of God’s Word and the message of salvation, but do not act upon what we know! Let this be a lesson to us: that knowing about Jesus is
not the same as knowing Jesus.

In order to find the good gifts only God can give us, we must be willing to follow what we do know about God, seek the Scriptures to lead us in our lives, and receive God’s Son as our king. The Wise Men brought Jesus their best gifts; but Jesus brought the Wise Men the greater gifts: joy, peace, goodwill, hope, and most importantly—a place in Heaven for all eternity!

Search your hearts and ask yourself, “Which group of people do I most identify with?”

1.) King Herod, feeling threatened by a power greater than himself?

2.) The Priests and the Teachers of the Jews who knew about their new king but did nothing with the knowledge they had been given?

3.) Or the Wise Men: actively following what they knew to be true, seeking after the One the Ancient Scriptures foretold of, and then going to Him in an attitude of reverence and worship with gifts as a sign of their faith?

Now is a good time to read or sing together the words to the worship song:
Come Let Us Worship and Bow Down:

Come let us worship and bow down,
Let us kneel before the Lord, our God, our Maker.
Come let us worship and bow down
Let us kneel before the Lord, our God, and our Maker.
For He is our God, and we are the people of His pasture,
And the sheep of his hand, and the sheep of his Hand.

-Marilyn Williams

Copyright: Safe Harbor Ministries, Inc

Marilyn Williams

Ministry of the Word

December 6, 2009

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Advent Devotions, Week One, Devo 7



Take a moment to think back to past Christmases. Share with one another your favorite gifts over the years. You may be surprised how few gifts you can actually remember from each Christmas. This passage reminds us of the greatest gift we have to receive, the gift of God’s Holy Son. God’s gift of His Son is a lot like our gifts around the tree. The gifts are not based on merit or performance, but simply given to us out of love. We did not pay for the gifts we receive at Christmas, but instead somebody else paid for them. So it is with the gift of salvation. Jesus paid a very dear and precious price: Giving up His home in heaven and then giving up His life here on earth. In giving up His own life, He purchased new life—in order to free us from the penalty of death, which is eternal separation from God in Hell for the punishment of our sins. Not only did Jesus pay a price for this gift, but He also became the price, as it is His blood that purchased our place in Heaven with Him for all eternity! What a gracious and humble God to give up everything to gain us back! We must also remember that just like the gifts under our tree, the gift of salvation that Jesus paid so dearly for will go to waste if we don’t first receive this precious gift and then put it to use in our daily lives. Think of all the gifts you may have received that were really just a waste of someone else’s hard earned money! You never took the time to use it or you may have just unwrapped it and then simply put it away somewhere, thinking you would get to it someday. If we are not careful, we can be like that with the gift of salvation as well. Receiving and accepting the gift given in love is really quite simple. First, just like receiving a Christmas gift, we must receive it humbly. We must understand that we have done nothing to earn or deserve it, but because of His love for us, we can accept it. Then, in order to actually benefit from its usefulness and in order to truly get any enjoyment out of it, we must begin to put it to use in our daily lives. If we don’t, we run the risk of forgetting about the gift altogether! What a horrible thought to forget about or not to access the new life Jesus has purchased for us. He died trying to give us eternity in Heaven with Him, and an abundant life here and now! Let us not grieve His heart; but rather, let us bring pleasure to our Redeemer who has gone to such lengths to purchase us back for Himself, as His most treasured gift! -Marilyn Williams Copyright: Safe Harbor Ministries, Inc. Marilyn Williams, Ministry of the Word December 5 2009

Comments on the Advent Message

Hi Marilyn, I wanted to email you today after MOPS to thank you again so much for coming to share with us. I have also included an email from a mentor that I thought you'd like to see. Praise God for the way He works...this gal came for the 1st time today and received so much!! God is good. Please pray for Kendra when you think of us! I also wanted to tell you how much I appreciated you sharing the story of when you didn't have a lot of money at Christmas and where you found the true joy to be/. there are quite a few moms in our group in that very same boat and I know they could relate to your story. so I pray that they found comfort and peace in your words and in what God can do in their Christmas! I prayed that each mom would take away a "nugget" from your talk. I know God answered that prayer. so, Thank you again for everything. you were truly a gift to us this season. I am looking forward to celebrating Advent in a whole new way as I see it in the perspective of preparing for Christ's 2nd coming, that way all new to me, but i see it now! Have a blessed Christmas/advent season. Adrienne Petersen I met a mom named Kendra today. She was there for the first time and I think she was sitting at Leslie Figley's table. I chatted with her after Marilyn's talk and she indicated that she wanted to come to Riverview as she didn't 'know' God and didn't understand what that even meant. She had no idea what Marilyn was talking about when she talked about Advent. Her question was, 'Is that a Christian thing?' We chatted a bit and I got her the advent book from Marilyn as well as one of our Bibles (she indicated she had tried to read a Bible once but it was written in a type of wording that she did not understand) and then Leslie came up and said she was inviting her to come with the moms at her table for a Christmas tea with their children and hoped she would come. ... See MoreSo thank you for having Marilyn come. God used her to speak to the heart of young woman who in her own words, 'I believe in God and I know that Jesus died on a cross but don't know how or why He died that way, but I'd like to know what they are talking about when they say they have a relation ship with God. How do you have a relationship with God?' Marilyn indicated that if she would read and/or do the advent devotional she would know Who Jesus is at the end. How cool is that?!!!!! God works all around us. And I love it that she came to MOPS and the Holy Spirit spoke to her heart. That's what it's all about!

Advent Devotions, Week One, Devo 6

ISAIAH 55: 1-3
What a fitting passage for the Christmas Season! We can so easily spend, spend, spend, and work, work, work! In trying to make Christmas the best ever, we can still miss out on the goods God has for us. It's nice to have the luxuries in life, but if we spend all our money, time, and energy trying to attain the luxuries, our daily labor and resources would be for naught. There is nothing wrong with enjoying the luxuries in our lives, but the Lord clearly tells us there is no real substance or lasting value found in the extras. We can enjoy the presents during the Christmas Season, but we must not forsake the reason for the season-God's love and desire to be near to us. Attending Christmas parties adds festivity to our season, but let us be sure to schedule time alone with the One who is presently preparing for us the biggest party ever: The Banquet of Salvation in the Dining Hall of God's Throne Room! While savoring our Christmas goodies, let us not forget to eat of His Word throughout this holy season. As we spend time with friends and family, may we also keep an open ear to His Spirit. These Scriptures tell us that if we eat what is good, our souls will delight in the best! He promises a covenant of eternal love to us if we continue to come and listen to Him. In Him, we will find purpose and joy for our lives, greater than anything we could purchase, make, or achieve on our own. Isaiah also warns us to seek the Lord while He may still be found. None of us knows how many days we have left, so let us make this Christmas Season really count! As we align our hearts with His thoughts and our deeds with His commands, we will go out with joy and be led forth with peace, even in the midst of the crazy Christmas Season!
(Optional: Reflect on ways that you might be spending your time and laboring in your efforts for naught during this Christmas Season. Think about how to replace those empty things with the things of God that bring true substance into our lives!) -Marilyn Williamscopyright: Safe Harbor Ministries, Inc.
Dec. 4, 2009
Marilyn Williams, Ministry of the Word

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

ISAIAH 40: 1-8

These verses reveal the comfort and the sense of purpose Jesus desires to bring into our lives. Back in Ancient days, when this was first written, the people would prepare the roads whenever a king was coming to visit their village. They would devote their efforts into smoothing out any bumps in the dirt roads and making straight any crooked paths. This was a sign to the king that they anxiously awaited His arrival and had done all they could to prepare the way for Him. Some of these verses prophesy about Jesus being a king from Heaven, yet laying down His kingship and coming to us as an infant to be a sacrifice for our sins. Some of these verses are still to come— when He comes again as The King of Heaven and Earth! Just as Isaiah called his people to put their hope in God and just as John the Baptist called God’s people to repent from their sins, still these verses call us today to prepare our hearts. We must devote ourselves to being ready for Jesus’ return as the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords!

As we await His second coming, the Advent Season gives us the opportunity to survey all the roads that lead to our hearts. What is the condition of our hearts? Are we on track? Do the roads we travel need smoothing or straightening out? In whom do we put our faith and trust? Amidst all the holiday preparations this year, take some time to prepare for His return. It could be sooner than you expect!

copyright: Safe Harbor Ministries, Inc.

Marilyn Williams

Ministry of the Word

ISAIAH 61: 1-3
(Light the Prophecy Candle once again and read the verses and devotions.)

In this passage, Isaiah speaks on God’s behalf of the coming Messiah and the Messiah’s job description. Because we have the recording of Jesus’ life in the New Testament, we can see how Jesus did all that was prophesied about Him! We must not only recognize Jesus’ ability in the past to fulfill His promises, we must also believe that Jesus will do the same in our lives today and in the coming age. He still and always will be the Sovereign Lord whom God’s Spirit rests on and is one with the Father and the Spirit. He is still preaching His Good News to the people today through His Written Word. He can still bind up our broken hearts and bring freedom to our captive souls! He wants to bring light to our darkness today. He still desires to comfort all who mourn and bring joy to despairing hearts. He is ready to plant seeds of righteousness in our hearts. He can still take our downtrodden lives and transform them into vessels of His glory.
We simply must believe and act upon His promises of old in our lives today. He does not promise the absence of evil in our lives, but rather the victory over evil in our hearts. He calls us in this passage to keep our eyes focused on the condition of our souls rather than the circumstances of our lives. Jesus has proven Himself by His testimony, here among us, to be the Anointed One—spoken of in the Old Testament through His prophets. Have you bowed the knee to His Lordship in your daily life? Are you looking to Him today to be the same God and do the same good work in your own life that He has already proven Himself able to do?