Saturday, December 19, 2009

Advent Devotions, Week Three, Devo 6 & 7


As followers of Jesus Christ, we have so much to celebrate! There are so many reasons to give praises to our God! Psalm 145 is one big celebration of our Lord!

Verse 1 tells us our God is the King and we will have all of eternity to praise His name!
Verse 3 declares that He is worthy of our praise and no one could ever compare with His greatness!
Verse 5 tells us His works are wonderful and we should meditate on them!
Verse 7& 9 describe that His mighty works will be remembered forever throughout one generation after another!
Verse 8 shows us how gracious, compassionate, and rich in love is our God!
Verse 13 records that His kingdom is everlasting, His reign is over every generation; and, at the same time, He is faithful in His love for His people!
Verses 14-16 express His heart for the humble and the hurting, as well as His hand that provides for and satisfies every living thing!
Verses 17 & 19 declare Him to be a perfect balance between justice and love!
Verse 18 is the most miraculous; yet it tells us that He is near and listening to our cries!
And verse 2 & 21 direct us in how to respond to such a God as ours: PRAISE HIM EVERY DAY, FOR ALL ETERNITY!


Proverbs 12:20 informs us that by spreading peace, we can increase our joy! Take a moment to think on ways you can spread peace to the little corner of the world God has assigned you. Start first with your attitude toward the people you live with. Are you doing your part to make your home a place of peace, not strife? How about at your work or in your school? Do you see opportunities to reconcile people to one another? Instead of spreading dissension through gossip—envy—or competition, are you spreading peace through integrity—forgiveness—and unconditional love? Look for opportunities to wear Jesus’ shoes of peace in a world of uncertainty and chaos.

Proverbs 15:30 further instructs us on how to bring joy to others. It is truly amazing how far a smile can go in a person’s day! As we wear Jesus’ shoes of peace and as we simply pass on even just a tiny bit of the joy we are given, we will soon discover that the joy of the Lord is an endless supply of strength in our lives and in the lives of those around us!
-Marilyn Williams
© Safe Harbor Ministries, Inc.
December 19, 2009
Marilyn Williams
Ministry of the Word

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